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The Adventurer

Hi, I'm Trinka and I love baking! I have since high school. Problem was, back then, it didn't love me back. Burnt cookies, rubbery cakes, rock-solid cupcakes, and concrete espasols were normal "things" that came out of our kitchen. I'd get it right from time to time, but I definitely was not good at it.

But you shouldn't give up easily, right?

So after college, for my graduation gift, I swapped a trip abroad for some formal education in baking and pastry arts. I spent 3 months in Global Culinary and Hospitality Academy in Timog, Quezon City learning how to make bread, cakes, pies and tarts, frozen desserts, and a lot more! Baking started paying attention to me!:P

I really enjoyed my time in pastry school. But like all good things, it eventually had to come to an end. But hey, the learning shouldn't stop there! From here on out, I'm going on my own adventures: making old time favorites, trying out some new recipes, but always having a blast in the kitchen.:)


Oh, see that camera I'm holding in the picture? I use it but I have no idea what it is and how to properly use it - I use it as a point-and-shoot. Hahaha. See, simultaneous with my baking adventures, I'm also embarking on a food photography adventure. I'm slowly learning what the extra buttons are for and how to properly take a picture of the desserts I make to give it some justice in the posts. So please bear with me; the first few months' worth of photographs will probably suck but I'm working on improving them.:)


While I'm in transition from being a student to being an employee, I started the pastry adventure to document my baking after pastry school. It's still taking its shape but I do hope to make it to be a helpful blog for you as you embark on a kitchen adventure of your own - full of recipes and tips for successful baking; as well as an outlet for me to express my love for the pastry arts.

Join me in my kitchen adventures, yes? Who knows, I might even brave it out and cook a savory dish one day.;)